Saturday, November 17, 2012

4 months!!

Okay okay I am a couple weeks shy of posting on here for her 4 months. I don't get very much time to actually get on my computer! I say this every month though 4MONTHS??? Wow time is flying by like crazy and will fly buy even faster within the next couple months! Ryann is getting so big I can't even believe it! Well my arms can believe it that's for sure! Toting around an almost 20lb chunker can get very tiring especially since she LOVES to be held. I can set her down for maybe 10 mins max in her bouncer, floor or couch and when that 10 mins is up she wants to be in my arms again. She loves seeing the world from up high and interested in everything!
Within the last few weeks she has started to grab at everything in sight and LOVES her toys. You can't have anything in your hand and not have her grab it. I'm not talking these sweet little touches, I'm talking full on grab. Food is the biggest thing she will go for! The other day I had my plate of food and the next thing I knew she had a handful of it and headed for her mouth. Literally like the next day Aaron was eating a cookie and she decided she wanted it so she leaned right over and it went straight in her mouth! At that point I gave in went and got my baby food maker, made her up some peas, gone within mins!! My little 4 month old was officially ready for food:(  Rylee was ready at 5, but 4 really!! She will eat 2 meals already that are then followed by her bottle. Can we say chunky monkey!!??
Sitting up is another thing she has discovered. Of course she is still a bit rusty on it, but I think by the end of 5 months this girl will have sitting up down to a T. She will sit up for about 10 mins on the floor and play with her toys until she gets distracted or tries to grab a toy a little further from her, but as soon as she is on her back she gives us a little freak out session till we sit her back up.
Knowing that Rylee was army crawling at 7 months and that possibly Ryann could be doing the same thing freaks me out, but I honestly can't wait till that stage comes cause it is so much fun! She definitely has her Mothers sassy attitude still, but I wont lie, that makes me proud:)

Peas what!!??
Such a big girl!!

Oh my goodness I can't even explain to you how proud I am of Rylee! She comes to me and says, "Mom want to see me write my name?" So I got her a dry erase marker and she went to writing her name! I couldn't believe it! She couldn't remember how to do the letter L, but after I showed her she knew exactly what she was doing. I was so proud and happy for her:)

Seriously my girls are the best!!:)


Thursday, November 1, 2012


I don't know what it is about Halloween that I love so much! Pretty much anything and everything that has to do with it. Seeing my child's face collecting candy is priceless. It's funny how one little piece and make a child's face glow with excitement.
Our family every year always dresses up together which makes it even more fun! It's funny cause the day after Halloween we are seriously thinking about what our next costumes will be. We had our costumes that we wore this year already picked out last year!! For the most part we usually make our costumes cause we aren't big on spending a ton of money on them. I wish I could take credit this year but it was all Aaron! He made every bit of our costume out of fabric and he did an amazing job!! Minus the logo that was me:) Rylee loved all the attention we got! I swear anywhere we went in our costumes we were getting stopped a lot!!! Everyone at boo at the zoo was talking and pointing and Rylee was so cute she would look at me and say, "mom everyone loves us." Made my heart melt everytime! By far this was the best Halloween and I'm grateful I have such a wonderful family to share it with:)