Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Water and Phones do not mix!

Sad to say that my phone is no longer with me anymore. As I was filling up a pedi tub for a client I forgot that my phone was in my front pocket of my shirt and it dived right in. Since then it has been acting crazy!! I'm not talking just going black and not working it will now call people randomly without me pushing any buttons or start doing the voice record mode. Aaron and I decided that the only reason I am having this luck with my phone is because about 2 or more weeks ago I almost purchased a new phone but then decided that I was comfortable with my old phone. The thought of paying money for a new one plus adding a data package on to my bill sounded not so fun! Well scratch all that! As of tomorrow when it gets delivered to my door I will be a proud owner of the New white Iphone 4:) Im pretty excited about it. Glad I waited to get an Iphone so I was able to get the white one. I was going to wait for the Iphone 5 but after reading up on it they have said that it wont be any better than the 4. So Im a little bummed that my phone is gone but pretty excited that I was able to use my upgrade for a new one!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Mondays are tough!

Today has been kind of a weird day for me. I have done really good with Aaron being gone with school and work, but I think that's cause I am working too. Mondays though I am home all day while he is at work and then he comes home for about an hour to get ready and then has to leave again for school. I was just having that lonely feeling today and when he came home to get ready I just told him that when he gets done with school (9:30) all I wanted to do was spend time with him and him only. I'm sure some of you know what feeling I am talking about when it comes to the husbands being gone all day. On top of feeling lonely Rylee decides to come to me all sad sounding asking for some of her friends she hasn't seen in awhile and it pretty much broke my heart! All I wanted was Aaron to just be home with me.

At about 6:45 I get a text from Aaron that just has a smiley face on it. I figured it was a reminder text about my 90210 show that started at 7 so I just said thanks for the reminder I am turning it on now. About 10 mins later the front door opens! I'm sure all of you know how happy I was!! It made my whole day that he got out of class early and erased all of those lame lonely feelings. Now all I want to do is get in my favorite place with my favorite person and relax for the rest of the night!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tis the season for some swimming!!

I am loving this weather and so is Rylee. I have a child that cant get enough of the outdoors, sun and water!! Friday morning Rylee woke up at 10 and wanted to go right outside. It was beautiful at 10 and actually pretty warm at that time. So I let her play with the hose and there just so happened to be a storage container outside that she decided she wanted to make her a swimming pool( plus we didn't have a pool at the time) She played in that thing for hours and it was so fun to just sit out there and play with her in the water. Before I knew it that child was outside all morning with me and then out there all afternoon with Aaron!
My water baby!
After seeing my poor child play in a storage bucket I had to go out and buy her a pool. Rylee is obsessed with slides and when I saw this pool at Target I had to get her it. Its a perfect size for her to play in with a perfect size slide. We have honestly been outside all day today! Some with Rylee in the pool and some with me and Aaron getting our tan on the roof. Btw if you want a good tan the roof is where to be! But I only recommend an hour max! That is still even pushing it.
Its been such a good week and weekend. Nothing is better than spending it with your family and enjoying the simple pleasures of life together.

Loving her slide!
Yep after this pic the stash went bye bye. ha ha
Now to end this great weekend with some yummy steaks with the family! Hope everyone and a fantastic weekend and ready for a new week to start:)

Monday, May 9, 2011

On to a new chapter in life!

So much has changed in the last couple of months (for the better) and Aaron and I are so excited for our new chapter in life! We might not get to spend as much time together as we have always. Now instead of seeing each other all the time it will only be after 10pm every night and on Sundays. Honestly though its all going to be worth it in the end!

Officially on Wednesday all our debt will be paid off!!! We are so happy to finally have that off our shoulders. I wont lie debt has been one of my biggest stresses but not anymore:) After being in that position we are definitely going to be more cautious on what we spend our money on. I don't Ever want to have to get in that position again! If you haven't been there be grateful and don't ever put yourself in that position. Its not fun!! Obviously! That's our new chapter in life! No debt, School for Aaron and work full time for me. Its going to be a fantastic chapter!!


I was supposed to go spend the day with my Mother, but she was so sick on Mothers day so we decided to let her have her rest plus none of us wanted what she had. I just ended up staying at home with my family:) It started with Rylee being so kind in sleeping in till 11 which gave me time to soak in the tub and just enjoy silence while Aaron and my dad went out grocery shopping. After he got home he gave me a full back and neck massage and then put a movie on for me in the bed and gave me a wonderful foot massage that put me right to sleep! I literally stayed in bed all day long with him and Rylee. It was perfect! If you know me you will know that my bed is one of my favorite places to be. I love getting all the Happy Mothers day from people but I look at it as Happy children's day cause if I didn't have my amazing child I wouldn't be a Mother:)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

April showers bring May flowers!

So I'm not really sure if that saying "April showers bring May flowers" really applies this Spring till the last 3 days. All I know is that I have really enjoyed this amazing weather we have had the last 3 days. When I heard it was going to be in the high 70's on Friday I knew I was going to take advantage of it. I literally laid out all day on Friday!  Loaded Rylee up with sunscreen to where she was white from it and loaded me up with tanning lotion and just went to town soaking up Vitamin D!! I'm sure I don't have to to tell you it was amazing!

So the other week Rylee had a pen and she had colored on her hand and told me she drew a smiley face. Which if you really looked at it you could get a smiley face out of it. I thought it was so cute so I took a picture of it to show Aaron when he got home. A week or so passed and Rylee was coloring on a paper yells at me to come look at her smiley face she just drew. So I walked over there thinking it was just going to be some scribbles and to my surprise I was the same EXACT thing she drew on her hand the other week! I couldn't believe it! I was so proud of her that she did that twice and was relating to it. Some people think I am crazy that I got so excited. I guess its just a Mother thing:)

I also finally started back to work 5 days a week. Tues,Wed,Thurs,Fri,Sat!! I am so glad I decided to do that! So far it is working out perfect! Rylee loves going and staying with her Aunt Stephie and Cousin Taylor and that makes it so much easier for me to get up and go to work knowing that Rylee is completely enjoying herself. Since I have met Aaron and had a baby I have not been a morning person at all. I know that is weird with a child but my child loves to sleep and sleeps in that late too!! Rylee has been so easy to get up in the morning which really shocked me, but it has also been really easy for me also! I love getting up early in the morning now. It feels so good to feel that cool crisp air in the morning! Rylee was so cute the min we walked outside to get in the car she stopped and said "Ooh feel that? Feels good!!" It was so stinking cute!! The only problem for me now is sleeping in on the weekends. I seem to not be able to do that anymore. Which is fine cause I have decided that I really enjoy going and sitting on my new patio furniture with my cup of coffee and just enjoying the moment. Now Rylee though she still seems to be able to sleep in:)

Hope everyone enjoys there last day of sun today since the weather is supposed to get rainy again for the next couple of days!! Happy mothers day everyone!! PS Aaron starts the academy on Monday!!!:)