Why because I am entitled to vent while I'm pregnant. So if anyone feels that this bugs them please feel free to not read:)
Oh my word the first 12 to 14 months of pregnancy are the worst! Atleast for us people who get this wonderful thing called morning sickness. Yet in all reality it shouldn't be called "morning" maybe all day is more appropriate in my case. I do awesome right when I wake up but as soon as the clock hits about 11 or 12 I feel freaking awful until about 4. I feel pretty good from 4 till about 11pm and there it is all over again. I have tried everything to help this but it looks as if I will be begging my doctor for meds! What's funny is I actually had morning sickness a whole lot worse with rylee, but come to find out morning sickness with a 3 year old makes it a little harder! I am grateful though that I have a great child that will just lay in bed with and cuddle till I feel better. Not only that I have a fabulous husband that helps make me the most comfortable possible. With rylee being such an angel and Aaron my personal assistant I would be in trouble! So I guess it could be a lot worse. I have to keep it in my head that all of this sickness is telling me my hormones are doing what they should to help thing miricle inside me grow to be healthy. Sometimes though I want to crawl in a corner and cry cause of how horrible I feel! I am grateful for everyday though that I feel sick. (yes it's hard to believe but it's true) so I guess my vent sesh didn't turn into a very big vent sesh. A little venting a little grateful sesh. Either way it felt good to write down and share:) another awesome thing about morning sickness, my poor husband gets sympathy morning sickness and I love it to the fullest!!!:)