Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's that time again

I guess I am due for a blog update:)
Well after almost 4 weeks of Aaron not working it looks like he will be going back sometime this week. It's going to be very weird thats for sure! It has been a fun having him around for this long and we will sure miss him during the day while he is gone. As for Ryann she is doing really good! We for sure has a chunker on our hands. To me she has these skinny legs and arms, but has a good sized milk belly, double chin and chunky cheeks! By the time she was a week old she was back to her birth weight and just recently Aaron and I weighed her and the scale said 9lb 8oz. The girl knows how to eat also! Normally she eats 3 to 4 ounces every 2 to 3 hours, but will do a couple cluster feedings at night and will eat 6 or 7 ounces. Sometimes I feel like my production of milk wont be able to keep up with her! She is sleeping pretty good, nothing amazing but nothing bad either. Aaron and I normally go to bed at midnight after she eats and then she will get up at 4am, 6am, 9am and then will finally fully wake up at 12pm. I can't complain about that cause we all know Rylee loves to sleep in and that way this gives me a chance to sleep a little more if I want. Not only that Aaron is amazing and gets up with Ryann at times and lets me sleep through a feeding. Overall Ryann is a good baby:) I wish I could say she had Aarons personality, but it is looking like she has my sassy attitude!
Rylee has done so good with this new change minus she has gotten a little sassy herself. She loves her sister to death and wakes up every morning asking where HER baby is. She might have gotten a little more sassy, but she has become this extreme cuddle bug. This morning at about 5 she came in my room and said "Mom we need to go cuddle on the couch." who could resist that? I sure couldn't and anytime she asks to cuddle all I know is everything else will have to wait until she is done wanting to cuddle:) I love my baby girls so much!!!
As for me I am dying to workout!! My goal since right when I got pregnant was to only lose some of the weight I gained and tone up. I have always had a hard time gaining weight and always been skinny/too skinny. So my goal is to be 120lbs and tone. Normally I am 108 and skinny with zero shape. Well I didn't know I was going to lose this pregnancy weight so fast!! It has been a little bit hard to try and keep some of this weight on, but I am trying and hope to be able to start working out in a couple of weeks. Thats if these abs are ready for it, Im a little nervous to start working out too soon because I would be very sad if I ruined my ab muscles! Keeping my fingers crossed thats for sure. As for now I am just enjoying this new journey Aaron and I have decided to take:)

My sweet little kitty! Sh literally wouldn't wash this off for 2 days!

I think Ryann has found her special blanket. Her holding on to it melts my heart!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Hardest parts of having a newborn..

1. Nursing!!! At least for me. With my over abundance of milk and my body not regulating itself it can get pretty stressful and discouraging, but I won't give up!!
2. Having 2 kids and pretty much missing your first born. Yes she has been with me this entire time, but I feel like if I'm not nursing I'm holding Ryann or taking a nap to catch up on sleep. I feel like I have put her on the back burner:( I know I'm weird and I'm sure she doesn't feel like that, but I still miss me and Rylee time. It will for sure take some time to get into a routine and I am probably just overreacting.
Other than those 2 things everything is going perfect! She seems to finally be one a good night schedule sleeping from 10pm to about 9am and eating every 3 hours. Which is pretty dang good for a 5 day old!! Now I just hope it stays like that. She is a total cuddle bug and ALWAYS wants to be held.! Thank goodness for blow dryers so I can at least put her down while I get ready.
I love my 2 girls and can't believe I was blessed with such amazing gifts. I can't get enough of them:)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Birth story

I would have never have thought I would have this baby the way I did, but it all ended up working out perfect!
On July 3rd I thought my water had broke ended up in L&D so they could check me. Turns out I was still at 2cm, 50% effaced and at a station -2 with my water not broken. I was told pretty much don't hold your breath cause this baby isn't ready and won't be ready for another week. We came home went to bed and I woke up around 3:30ish with annoying hip pain! As I was dosing back off I heard what sounded like a balloon pop in my belly! I jumped up and this time it was 100% my water! Woke Aaron and Rylee up cause I knew it was time. I have heard after your water breaks you can hang out at home for a bit and there isn't usually a rush. Not for me!! As soon as it broke I was having contractions 3 mins apart..
I knew this baby was coming fast! I got to the hospital and before we could park I jumped out of the car and walked straight in. I just kept telling people "how can someone do this without drugs and why do women choose to do this to themselves?"by the time I got to my room and her the anesthesiologist talk about risks and what not I looked at the nurse and said "it's time to push get this epi in me." she checked me and all she saw was head and said to me "sorry but you have to do this natural" Couple pushes and this sweet little angel arrived. 7lb 13oz 20.5 inches. A total of 1hr and 8 mins since my water broke! It was an amazing yet very unexpected delivery!
All the nurses and staff were amazing and made me feel so comfortable that this whole process was happening without drugs.
We are so in love with this sweet baby girl and Rylee so far has been a perfect big sister!